
What kind of disorder is Lymphedema?

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine Academic Staff and Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Barlas N. Aytaçoğlu, speaking in relation to 6th March, World Lymphedema Awareness Day, stated that the treatment of lymphedema is very difficult and painful.


Stating that the lymph circulation in the body is different from the blood circulation but moves with it, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu advised that it is part of the immune system and provides the necessary circulation for the proper functioning of the organs, "therefore, any disruptions in the lymph circulation causes damage to limbs" he noted.


Lymph circulation disorders lead to swelling in the feet and arms

Pointing out that lymph disorders may occur due to trauma, wounds, or surgery or due to bad foot health, which is ignored in particular, with problems such as fungus and ingrowing toenails going untreated, Aytaçoğlu explained that it causes swelling in the feet or arms and drew attention to the possibility of a clinical situation where non-healing wounds require being opened in advanced stages.

Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu stated that due to there being limited options in relation to the treatment of lymphedema, taking all precautions in prevention of this disorder would be the most effective treatment.

Stating that lymphedema can be inevitable, especially in cases where the lymph nodes are removed in some cancers, such as breast cancer, Aytaçoğlu advised that as there is an expectation of the development of this disorder in these patients, the process of treatment begins early, with measures taken to prevent lymphedema from reaching advanced dimensions.

Highlighting that the most effective and practical treatment of lymphedema is the use of varicose stockings, Aytaçoğlu added that lymphedema massage and in more developed cases, pneumatic pressure stocking treatments may be applied.

Giving advice to lymphedema sufferers, Aytaçoğlu went on to state, "These patients should refrain from standing for long periods of time, stretch their feet instead of hanging their legs down when seated, use compression stockings regularly, and pay attention to hand, foot and nail care."

In his statement, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu advised that in order to improve quality of life, it is important to try and live with this disorder in a friendly manner, minimizing the distress caused by lymphedema by making lifestyle changes.