
CIU Academician Assist. Prof. Dr. Rona pointed out that Covid-19 is not just a health problem

Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Physical Education and Sports, Sports Management Program Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Rona, stated that the basis of the Scientific Committee's efforts in dealing with the pandemic, is to take measures in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus and to regulate health services, however he emphasized that Covid-19 is not only a health problem, but is also an extraordinary situation affecting societies in terms of their economy and also on social, psychological, education and physical health levels too..

Pointing out that due to the Covid-19 outbreak, not only has the physical health of individuals been affected, Assist. Prof. Dr. Rona also went on to say, "this is a psycho-social event that negatively affects the entire population."

Reminding that during this period, many people lost their jobs, firms closed, economic conditions got increasingly difficult, and thus, sociological negativities were experienced, Rona advised that there was an increase in divorces and domestic violence, with people becoming intolerant, negatively affecting everyone’s living habits, lifestyle, and reactions.


A delicate balance should be established between the public health, and economic and social activities.

Referencing the report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rona reminded that it stated that 'each country should establish a delicate balance between the protection of the public health and simultaneously keeping the restrictions upon economic and social activities to a minimum, and while doing all this, maintaining a respect for human rights'.

Stating that when the WHO report is taken into reference, it is observed that the medical measures taken by the Scientific Committee are correct yet especially insufficient in relation to social life, Rona stipulated that at this point it is important to review the measures taken by the Scientific Committee in protection of the community, in terms of its reflection and effects on social life.

Emphasizing that the measures taken to protect human health ironically affect mental and physical health negatively, Rona stated that field experts should be consulted when making such decisions.

Drawing attention to the fact that the restrictions upon access to sports, sports matches, and physical activity will create different problems, such as psychological problems and problems due to inactivity, Rona suggested that when such decisions are being made in this direction, at least one sports scientist should be involved in both the board and the consultation mechanism.