
CIU Academician Assist. Prof. Dr. Berkmen draws attention to sexual abuse towards children

Cyprus International University (CIU) Turkey Marketing Office organized a 3-day seminar program for Psychological Counseling and Guidance teachers in Turkey.

Within the scope of the program, CIU Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Bengü Berkmen, gave information in relation to the subject of sexual abuse towards children.

During the event, providing a description of child sexual abuse, Berkmen referred to some well-known yet incorrect approaches, behaviors that are accepted as abuse, signs of child abuse, the form of communication to be established with an abused child, and the steps that should be followed in any possible cases of abuse.

Giving information in relation to data provided by the World Health Organization Assist. Prof. Dr. Berkmen stated that 23% of children have been abused physically, 36% emotionally, 26% sexually, and 16% negligently during the past year.


Berkmen: “Child abuse is a widespread problem experienced across the world”

Drawing attention to the fact that child abuse is a widespread problem that is experienced across the world, Berkmen went on to state “Abuse is an important and widespread problem that effects the public health”.

Emphasizing that within the scope of the seminar, training techniques were taught to the specialists with relation to approaching sexual abuse cases, Berkmen gave information on issues that need particular attention in interviews with children at schools.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Berkmen informed that approximately 450 specialists attended the seminar with teachers, school psychological counselors and institution administrators in particular showing great interest in the event.