
Children were especially negatively affected during the pandemic process

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Eliz Volkan, reminding that the Covid-19 epidemic has continued for over a year now, went on to state “Although our anxiety with relation to the virus may not be as high now as it was when it first came into our lives, our levels of anxiety are still high and further, we do not only have anxiety with relation to the virus, but also the economic difficulties that developed during the Covid-19 process, which are increasing them”.

In a statement made by Chief Physician Dr. Abidin Akbirgün of the Peace Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital, it was advised that the number of people applying to the hospital had surpassed 30 thousand, and advising that over 7 thousand of these were children, Volkan went on to say “These numbers are alarming for the TRNC. Health related planning should include mental health”.

Stating that some researchers foresaw that the epidemic process would be more challenging for children and adolescents, Assist. Prof. Dr. Volkan indicated that being away from the school environment is one of the main reasons for this.

Advising that the academic process was supported by online education, Volkan added that at this point, the level of importance of the social and cognitive development provided by the school environment has been ignored.


“The school environment is an important part of children’s personal, social and cognitive development”

Noting that the school environment is a very important part of personal, social, and cognitive development, Volkan elaborated, "Although the long-term effects of being away from this environment are not yet known, the necessary planning must be put in place when creating state education policies."

Stating that the other reasons for the increase in anxiety in children may be related to the home environment, Volkan continued “This process has applied pressure on parents. While parents have taken on additional responsibilities, such as making children do their school-work and do their homework, they are also struggling with the economic and psychological problems that have been brought about by the epidemic. The stress in parents are particularly increasing due to the decrease in children’s activities and the increase in using electronic devices”.

Stating that it is not only the individual that experiences the increase in stress level, Volkan noted that the stress is largely reflected upon the children, and thus parents should pay increased attention to their own emotional states, especially when they are interacting with children.

Additionally noting that as with any period of crisis, during this crisis unfortunately increased incidents such as domestic violence was experienced, Volkan said that the environment in which children are situated and their inability to escape from that environment, leads them to experience more anxiety, stress, and sadness.

Reminding that our children are our societies future and that during this period, they have been affected the most, Volkan concluded, “We must focus on moving forward with empathy and understanding, and create policies to prevent long-term negative effects on the general level. This would be the most important help we can do for this generation”.