
Project Explanations to Sector Representatives

The students of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at Cyprus International University (CIU) presented their original media plans for a product or service they selected for the evaluation of representatives from the sector. 

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In the event held within the scope of the “Media Planning” Course given under the guidance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Galip E. Erdil, a lecturer from CIU Department of Advertising and Public Relations; Tanman Advertising Customer Unit Manager, Güray Bukan and Customer Unit Coordinator, Ikenna Emmanuel Nwachukwu evaluated the student projects.

Güray Bukan stated that they were pleased to take part in the student presentation project of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations: “The students have very creative ideas. We had a great event together and also had the opportunity to take advantage of their innovative point of view as Tanman Advertising.” 

The importance of the sector-university relationship was pointed out by Bukan: “Through such organizations, students get the chance to learn about what we expect from them as the sector.”

Ikenna Nwachukwu informed the students about the issues to be considered during the project evaluation process and emphasized the importance of providing the desired message shortly and clearly instead of using unnecessary information when preparing the advertisement text.   

Nwachukwu explained to the students about the qualifications needed by the sector and pointed out the importance of following the communication activities closely, developments and changes in the entire sector along with the sector and brands they will be responsible for.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdil expressed that the images and ideas were shared mutually in the project presentations and the feedback of the sector representatives about the projects was beneficial for the students’ personal development.

Erdil stated that they invited Tanman Advertising officials to introduce the sector's leading names with sector candidates, and that cooperation in this direction is beneficial for the students.